A Unique Yatra with Lively Experience – Good Governance Tourism

Mhalgi Prabodhini
has organized a unique Yatra of young, candid and highly
qualified educated youngsters to Gujarat and allowed the youngsters to
experience the pulse of the growth / development of the said state. The said
yatra was known as “PRAKASH YATRA” &
which concluded with the direct 1 hour interaction with Shri. Narendra Modi,
the Chief Minister of Gujarat.
I was the proud privilege one of the youngsters who
along with other 13 members had the unique experience of this above said
Prakash Yatra.  I would like to share
some of the glimpse of our mind blowing experience herein below.
At the outset the itinerary of the yatra was as follows.
Accommodation at Circuit House,
Annex,  Ahmedabad
Lunch and Rest
Dep. For  Gandhinagar
Sarovar Narmda Nigam
Dep. For Ahmedabad
15.00 to 19.30
Visit to BRTS
River Front
Return to Annexe 
Dept for Charanka
Visit : Solar Project, Dist-
Patan,  North Gujarat
Visit :    Narmada Cannel
Return at Ahmedabad Annexe
Dept From Ahmedabad
Visit:      PDPU
Mahatma Mandir
Meeting with 
Hon. CM
Ahmedabad and Departure

Group photo with Modiji
As a matter of fact, all the places mentioned above
which we visited were outstanding and quite educative and it is worth mentioning
that application of modern technologies were aptly used with a great futuristic
.  To mention
few amongst other are the ones where Satellite technology was used to provide
direct education to farthest remote villages of Gujarat. Widely acclaimed Solar Power Plant at Charnaka Village: -Here
also it is worth mentioning that the said Solar plant is located just 30 kms
away from the border of Pakistan on a land which was absolutely unutilized and
waste. Because of this visionary project it is expected that not only the state
of Gujarat but entire Country shall have utilization of alternate resource of
energy generation for years to come. Another scintillating observation was Gujarat
is going to built a GIFT city
(Gujarat International Finance tec-City ). In terms of scale and sheer physical
scope, GIFT is being designed to be at or above par with presently acknowledged
globally benchmarked International Financial Centers (IFCs) likes of London’s
dockyard or Paris’s La defense area. This Project will help generate nearly 3
millions of job to urban population of Gujarat which is increasing YoY. Like
this, one can go on mentioning one after another such as WASMO (Water and Sanitation Management) community project, Sardar Sarover project (the project
which helped to get water supply in the state of Gujarat which had scarcity of
the same earlier), the BRTS project though which may not be new for the Country
to know, but is very well planned to get rid of traffic jam during peak hours. All in all one
can safely & categorically state that the Government of the day and the
incumbent Chief Minister of the state has not only covered the vital sectors
such as Energy , Water, Transport, Education, Power, Finance etc but they are
being implemented in a successful manner. This is mainly because the
implementers of the above said vital sectors feel pride in themselves to provide
the service to the common man, which in turn is mainly due to free hand
provided to the bureaucrats to do the concerned job. This may the “THE
DIFFERENCE” between the progress of the other states and that of Gujarat.
Without any doubt for this credit can safely be given to Chief Minister of the
State and the bureaucrats.
On the last day of our Yatra, it was a big honour
for all of us to have interaction with
the Chief Minister Sh. Narendra Modi for almost an hour
. It was pleasing to
hear from his opening remark during our interaction that he needs and welcomes the suggestions from us for still performing a
better job
. He mentioned that unfortunately Gujarat has to encounter
natural calamities in the form of earthquake draught, flood once in every 2 to
3 years thereby people have to suffer tremendously. Despite these calamities
Gujarat once again rehabilitated the areas and the victims of the said
calamities in the shortest period of time. Chief Minister added to this that at
this juncture Gujarat is settled and will see the new heights in the coming
days and years. He also added that he has planned to have metro rail project in
near future. He mentioned about the CM fellowship program. Under this program,
selected Fellows will spend 11 months working with the Government of Gujarat in
a specific Department or District of Gujarat. The said interaction was indeed
lively and quite educative and which ended with a group photograph of the
participants with the Chief Minister.
I only wish and hope that other state governments
too should also encourage and allow such kind of Yatra in their states for
better understanding of the functioning and the exchange of ideas which may
help the respective states.
I at the outset thank Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini for giving me an opportunity to be part
of the said “Prakash Yatra” and I am
also thankful to the state of Gujarat for making excellent arrangement for the
said Yatra.
is written by Naitik Vyas who has
educated at IIM, Kolkata (Global Business Management) and is a Computer Engineer
and has 5+ years of work experience in Information, communication and
technology field. Naitik has always associated with political and social
activities for the betterment of the society.

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