26 / 11- Day to Remember !

26/11 ! One of India’s worst ever
day! Nonetheless it is painful that media calls this day as 3rd
Anniversary day? Anniversary for what and for whom?  At the outset introspect on this word of
anniversary. Media could have used a better word.
Twitter was widely used on that
day & its usage grossly acknowledge. Honestly from that day onwards I also
started understanding & making use of this medium on regular basis. In span
of 3 years, twitter has got momentum leaps & bounds to the extent that
people not only just do tweeting but also look out for trending topics every day.
One is aware that from past 2 days #pawarful #slapped #missed #sachin #ravirampaul
are trending on twitter. I am sure, tomorrow; #26/11, #kasab, #Mumbai will be
trending due to reasons known to all.
In an article widely published candidly
reveal that Indian government has already spent not less than 31 Cr towards keeping
Kasab alive and in healthy condition. For further detail you can check the
On the other hand, Is it not irony, that government day in & day out make
hue and cry about subsidy to the farmers, food items, fuel etc. This reminds me
of a dialogue from movie Wednesday where Nasir Saab says, “Yeh Acceptable nahi
hai sir.”
Don’t you think the above
situation is provocative making people restless? It is worthwhile to suggest
that the gentlemen who are engaged further for the propaganda of Jan lokpal
bill vociferously should also equally make huge propaganda for trail of Kasab
to be conducted expeditiously leading to final conclusion, needless to say
whole country will support the movement. I am wondering if god forbid instead
of only Slap if someone has killed or hurted Mr. Pawar then the concerned person
would have been killed then & there only seeing into violent demonstration
by the activist damaging the public properties.
I do understand that we need to
follow the democratic process and also go by the Supreme Court order but 3
years is too huge time for someone like Kasab to get hang.  I request all the people of this country to
pressurise the government to get their act right & ensure that judgement &
the implementation of the same takes place forthwith.


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