17 Lessons to learn: From my friend Pavithra raman

These lessons might help you for a better way of living life.
Read n most imp, Implement it..
The first lesson: I learnt was to be patient. things take time to change, change takes time to show an effect. but one must not lose hope.
second lesson: nothing is permanent. the only thing that is permanent is change. don’t be afraid of it. embrace it.
third lesson: you are never alone. be it when you are happy or sad. well or sick. there will always be someone by your side to support you and part take in your happiness.
fourth lesson: help others. coz that it is the way one should always be. whenever i was in trouble, i always found someone helping me. it really helps a lot to help others.
fifth lesson: swallow your pride. actually it does not taste good. but vanity often is the cause of good friends parting ways.
sixth lesson: its never too late to say sorry. it may not be your mistake. but if your were a part of something that went wrong, it is your mistake. you will never be wrong or be small by saying sorry.
seventh lesson: we at times (or always) disagree with our parents and blame it on the age gap(generation gap) factor. but they do all that coz they love us and care for us. nothing is more important than our parents happiness and well-being. that goes for all our parents.. So plz say THANKS to all your parents on my behalf. its because of them i got good friends like u.
eighth lesson: far is not far. its only if you think so. we’ve all gone ahead with our jobs, careers, etc. but so far(pun intended) i feel you all still close to me. lets hope this still remains. on this note i would like to thank all the scientists, engineers, inventors,etc for creating technology that gives us a convenient means of communication and socializing.
ninth lesson: how much ever you learn, its not the end of that chapter. i realized that during my training. there is a huge ocean of knowledge out there. we should always have a never satisfying thirst for knowledge. keep the interest burning on. and also don’t get scared of the enormity of stuff. go step by step. one day you will get to it.
Tenth lesson: there are a lot of irritating people out there in the world. But it does not matter how they are. What matters is how you are. Always make sure you have a good attitude and that you respect all people. Remember someone else out there may think you are a irritating weirdo too.
Eleventh lesson: learn to travel. Please develop a sense of direction. One must adopt to any means of transport available.
Twelfth lesson: you may be very dedicated in your work. Help others and all that crap that was mentioned above. But most important is taking care of your health. Also the health and well being of everyone around you.
Thirteenth lesson: save money. Don’t over use your money. Develop a habit of saving. It will always come in handy. Have a good knowledge about banking, markets Stock markets, insurance, mutual funds, etc. you should know how to handle your money.Its something very important. Don’t ignore this.
Fourteenth lesson: Don’t be hesitant to ask questions. Whenever you get questions ask ur mentor. Its very bad to have uncleared doubts. And be patient. Only the display hangs, processing is still on in backend. What I mean is it may seem nothing is happening but actually something is happening but you cannot see it.
Fifteenth lesson: you shall reap what you sow. Your actions will always have reactions. The reactions may not be equal and opposite, but point reactions will be there. So think before you act. You do something good, you’ll get good reaction(maybe not at first, but in end you will get good). You do something bad, you’ll get bad reaction(maybe at first its good, but in the end its always bad).
Sixteenth lesson: this is important for girls especially. If you think someone approaches you in an inappropriate manner or with some bad thoughts or ideas or not a nice guy or etc. Get out of there before its too late. Also lookout for your friends and other people in general so that they don’t fall prey to any unsafe, unwanted person.
Seventeenth lesson: U should not only read the above lessons but the most important is to implement these lessons in your life.

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